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Christiano Hermoso (Chano)


Age: 16

Marina, CA

Cxsupreme was based on a simple conversation Chano with his father. The topic was about what he wanted to become when he was older. Chano was clueless at the time because he was 14 years old and a freshman in high school. His father talked about how it will be so cool for Chano to own his own business in what he loves to do. He says, “I thought about it and I thought the idea was amazing but there was one thing missing, what type of business would I be owning.” Christiano’s father asked him "what do kids do around your age for fun?" Which sparked an idea, his response was "shopping". Right after he said that, they both agreed that Christiano should start a clothing brand. The idea was amazing but he didn't know how to start his own business, he was only 14! But with the guidance of his family, it became a reality. Cxsupreme is a family owned business located in the beautiful 831.Their logo is simplistic but with a meaning. The C stands for clothing, the S stands for supreme but the double lines of the X explains THEIR company the most. The doubles lines symbolizes family and how families give a strong foundation. If it wasn't for his family, CXS wouldn't be where it's at today. And the X signifies the person who wears it, their customers! If you own CXS gear, you are a part of their family. With so many people supporting/ repping/ buying CXS gear, it definitely makes their foundation stronger. With a strong foundation, they are hoping to grow into a high fashion family brand.

So I’m back with another post about a hardworking, ambitious teenager. Chano is a very bright young man because he has become his own boss at the age of 16. If I had someone to tell me to become my own boss at a young age I would probably be easing my way through college, stress free. I can’t quite recall how I ended up following his business page (probably through alex the model I featured on here) on Instagram but I’m glad I did. I’ve seen the progression of his brand from t-shirts to hoodies and the designs are evolving too. At some point I would like to see more designs and not just logos but baby steps. His hoodies look really comfortable but they’re also fashionable. Definitely something you can wear to be cute, casual and comfy. After some new design roll outs maybe do a huge street photo shoot with male and female models.

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Twitter: @cxsupreme

IG: @cxsupremeclothing

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