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Tennae LaChey

Tennae LaChey

Tennae LaChey & Co.

Chicago, Il

Tennae LaChey is the owner and CEO of Tennae laChey& Co. She is a hairstylist and makeup artist in Chicago, Il. Tennae grew up watching her mother and grandmother doing hair and wasn't really interested. She then decided to go to cosmetology school because she wasn't sure what she wanted to be when she grew up and from there she fell in love with all things beauty. Tennae explains, "I loved the hair, makeup, fashion, art, and music. Most of all i love the photoshoots!" She graduated from Paul Mitchell the School in Chicago. And she has studied under some amazing stylists and makeup artists such as Triphena Johnson, Toni Fairley, Michael Jacobson and her mentor Chris Curse to name a few. Tennae has been doing hair and makeup since she was 16 but she officially started in 2010. What inspires her the most is music. She says she creates some of her best work with the proper music in the atmosphere.

Tennae LaChey, aka my big "sis", was my hairstylist back when I lived in Chicago. She's a great hair stylist because she specializes in healthy (emphasis on the healthy) NATURAL hair. Tennae does relaxers and perms and the whole nine but she's especially great in natural hair. I started off getting my hair done by her mother and then Tennae was solely doing my hair. Her mom, Auntie Toni (don't ask why I call Toni my aunt and Tennae my sister, I just do) convinced me to go natural when I was in high school. Because of her and her mother my natural hair journey went phenomenal (I hope you sang phenomenal). And I didn't even have to do the big chop *inserts emoji nails*. (lol) But in all seriousness my hair has been stronger and healthier and I've learned how to take care of my hair since I started going to them. They teach you to maintain your hair outside of your visits so that you can keep it healthy. That's why it's flawless *inserts emoji nails and hair flip emoji*. Apart from Tennae being a hairdresser she was also my mentor. She definitely helped me through my "bad kid" phase during high school. Because, I'm going to be honest, besides her only Jesus Christ, himself, could have come down to knock some sense into me (lol but serious). She played a huge role in, not only me getting back on the right path, but also me falling in love with fashion myself. She's part of the reason why I'm at the point in my life I am now, especially in the fashion aspect. Y'all if you have a daughter in high school/middle school I suggest you get her to be your daughter's hairstylist because she's a great stylist and mentor.

P.S. Tennae I know you're reading this so don't text me being all sentimental. Ain't nobody got time for that. #ByeGirl lol.

Check out her social networks:

FB: Tennae laChey

IG: @Tennae_laChey


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Twitter: @ProfashionalTay

Instagram: @Profashional_Tay

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