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Ryan White

MGAPXL Photography

Dallas, TX

Age: 22

MGAPXL, also known as Ryan White, is a 22 year old male photographer based in Dallas, TX. Ryan explains, "It was the summer of 2009, I was sixteen years old. A group of friends and I were sitting around bored and broke! One day, I remembered I had this camera; so we came up with a brilliant idea to have a photoshoot. The feedback after posting the photos was quite surprising. After that photoshoot, I was making twenty-five dollars a shoot! I thought I was somebody!"

Years went past and he finally came up with a name to brand himself, "Megapixel". Ryan went by Megapixel for about two years until he realized that it was already copyrighted. Shortly after, he decided to keep the name and switch it to "MGAPXL".

MGAPXL says that when he changed his name, ironically, that's when business picked up. Today, he can now say that his camera has helped him to meet a NUMEROUS amount of models and he's worked backstage for NUMEROUS fashion shows. MGAPXL has even worked for a small modeling agency for two years, by the name of "Haus Models". That agency alone has opened many doors for him.

Late December 2014, Ryan transitioned from just being a photographer to an event coordinator. He created "The MGAPXL Experience". It was his first fashion show and artist event! Things are just now taking off for him and he can't wait to show the world. Below are links to his website and you can also check out the recap video of "The MGAPXL Experience".



Looking at his website he's an AMAZING photographer and I would love to work with him one day. MGAPXL shoots very unique and creative things; his photoshoots have a certain sense of style, in my opinion, and he doesn't really go with the trend of the same basic shoots and he tends to set the standard for what's going to be hot in the future. He's also venturing away from being just a photographer, which is great because when you look at fashion shows, some of them are really basic. They tend to lack artistry and creativity, because their main goal is to get the designers brands seen, and this is where his background in photography plays a huge part. I think MGAPXL recognizes that a successful fashion show also has some type of artistry behind it, so he uses the fact that he is a creative director for photoshoots and gears that same creativity towards fashion shows. I'm probably more excited than he is to see what he has in store for 2015. Please be sure to keep up with him, especially if you're in the Dallas area and you're looking for a photographer. I've seen pictures from his ThugAve shoot and I was really pleased because sometimes when you're shooting for someone else (particularly a brand) you can sometimes lose the artistry of the shoot because the person has their own vision. So, I can avidly say that he collaborates well with others. You won't be sorry that you decided to keep up with his career, I see big things for him in the future.

Also, follow him on:

twitter: ryanwhi_

Instagram: ryanwhi_


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